HOW does one get through Level 548???
Best Answer
Hi @Sandymac !
That level is such a tough one. I am on level 564 and were also stuck on 548 a looong time.
Use the Adventure Mouse as helper since he will take away one of the Move Stealers. The default is one of the guys who give you an Extra Move.
Then just focus on to get all the words.
Good luck!5
Hi @Sandymac !
That level is such a tough one. I am on level 564 and were also stuck on 548 a looong time.
Use the Adventure Mouse as helper since he will take away one of the Move Stealers. The default is one of the guys who give you an Extra Move.
Then just focus on to get all the words.
Good luck!5 -
thank you! fingers crossed now!
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Crazy Cat Lad, thank you SO much, I've been stuck on that level for over two months! Got it done noe!
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Mice work @Sandymac !
Just to warn you, level 552 is suuuper hard as well, but do the same thing there. Use the Adventure Mouse to get rid off one of the Move Stealers instead of the Cowboy Mouse that is the default helper.
Don't miss the competitions here either where you can win Gold Bars to your game. They ar handy on tricky levels or if you are out of Lives. Crack the code and Weekly Word Challenge.0 -
I got that one, I'm on 556 now! Thanks you for the advice, it is welcome!
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What is adventure mouse? Do you have to buy?
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hi @tinapalpha
💡 Adventure Mouse is a helper that removes 2 move stealers when fully empowered💡
💡when is it fully empowered? ... when there are 3 stars for every level from 141 to185 💡
💡the good news ... it is free 💡
🍮 the images below may help with selecting Adventure Mouse 🍮
🍮 🍮 🍮 🍮
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