Level 472
Best Answer
Hello @ingwor and welcome to the community! To clear this level you'll need to create diagonal tiles by making 5 letter words then use those diagonal tiles to blast the cheesy plates. It would be even better if you make 7 letter words to create the big blaster and this will help you take out more than one cheesy plate if you position it right.
I hope this helps.7
Hello @ingwor and welcome to the community! To clear this level you'll need to create diagonal tiles by making 5 letter words then use those diagonal tiles to blast the cheesy plates. It would be even better if you make 7 letter words to create the big blaster and this will help you take out more than one cheesy plate if you position it right.
I hope this helps.7 -
Level 472 is super tricky!
The Cheese Plates can be removed by making a match next to them, but is option is not possible on 472 since they all are outside the main game board.
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