My boosters are gone
Posts: 9
Level 1
in Support
I've been playing this game for over 2 years. My boosters that I've acquired, are all gone. I'm logged in thru Facebook, and did nothing other than not play for a day or 2. Can they be restored?
Hi @sooperstarr07 and welcome to our Community!
Could you let me know your Game ID so I can look into this?
Check here how to find the number.0 -
Sure, it's 1345255949. Thank you!0
I was not able to find your AlphaBetty Saga with the number.
Is the game connected to your Facebook as your other King games?0 -
Yes, I am logged in through Facebook. What info do you need to look at it that way?0
I could only find the Candy Crush Saga, Candy Crush Soda Saga and Candy Crush Jelly Saga with the number, but no AlphaBetty.
Are you sure your AlphaBetty Saga is connected to the same Facebook account?0 -
Oh, no the boosters are missing from candy crush soda. When I clicked on support from that app it brought me here.0
I see now I'm not in the right place, I'm sorry!!0
Gah, *not in the right place!0
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