Level 844 Bug
I can't get past the level because it shows there is still one more square to "cheese" when there isn't.
If I use a Crowned letter at this point, it just crowns another letter instead of completing the level. (Even though the board is actually completed already).
I've tried twice now and each game gets stuck saying I have 1 more square to get Cheesed, when the board is actually completed.

Best Answers
there are notes for this bug ... open in a new tab or a new window ...there are screen shots that show how to overcome the bug
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Hi @Ambrosia !
There are still a square left to spread the Cheese on, but it looks like the issue is caused by no tile is dropping down on that spot therefore the Crowns do no take it either to put Cheese on since there's no tile.
This makes the level very hard to complete. I will notify the Game Studio about this. Thanks for the heads up!
Don't forget to check the Weekly Word Challenge as well when you are visiting the Community. A new challenge every Thursday under the Discussions section where you can win Gold Bars to your game. Check out this week's challenge here.
there are notes for this bug ... open in a new tab or a new window ...there are screen shots that show how to overcome the bug
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Hi @Ambrosia !
There are still a square left to spread the Cheese on, but it looks like the issue is caused by no tile is dropping down on that spot therefore the Crowns do no take it either to put Cheese on since there's no tile.
This makes the level very hard to complete. I will notify the Game Studio about this. Thanks for the heads up!
Don't forget to check the Weekly Word Challenge as well when you are visiting the Community. A new challenge every Thursday under the Discussions section where you can win Gold Bars to your game. Check out this week's challenge here.
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