Blank Tile Bug - Level 809
I don't remember what other levels this has happened on, but on level 809, the blank tile does not work.
It is not being seen as a blank letter; regardless of how many letters are used in the word.
I've tried playing different chosen words with it, but it refuses to acknowledge it as a letter.
This is a fantastic game. I do appreciate your time spent keeping it going.

Best Answers
yes ... there is a bug ... but you can take advantage of the bugthe blank gold tiles act as a filler when making a word - and are not part of the wordlook here to see how to use the blank gold tiles ... open in a new tab or a new window
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Hi @ambr0sia and @abe_coffee !
This issue that appears on the 'Guess the word' levels is being looked into already and will hopefully be fixed soon.
I have no time frame for the fix, so keep the app updated to get all bug fixes as soon as they get released.
It happens only with the tiles the game gives you when you use a Crown in the last word you make to complete the letters in the word above. To not get these incorrect blank tiles, you can also avoid using a Crown when completing the word above.
Don't forget to check the Weekly Word Challenge as well when you are visiting the Community. A new challenge every Thursday under the Discussions section where you can win Gold Bars to your game. Check out this week's challenge here.
yes ... there is a bug ... but you can take advantage of the bugthe blank gold tiles act as a filler when making a word - and are not part of the wordlook here to see how to use the blank gold tiles ... open in a new tab or a new window
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Hi @ambr0sia and @abe_coffee !
This issue that appears on the 'Guess the word' levels is being looked into already and will hopefully be fixed soon.
I have no time frame for the fix, so keep the app updated to get all bug fixes as soon as they get released.
It happens only with the tiles the game gives you when you use a Crown in the last word you make to complete the letters in the word above. To not get these incorrect blank tiles, you can also avoid using a Crown when completing the word above.
Don't forget to check the Weekly Word Challenge as well when you are visiting the Community. A new challenge every Thursday under the Discussions section where you can win Gold Bars to your game. Check out this week's challenge here.
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