Playing daily but lost counter

Posts: 1
Level 1
in Support
I played daily for 80+ days but when I logged in today it went back to 0. What gives?!?!
Best Answer
Hi @spiritoftheelements @Hunter66 and welcome to our Community!
The Daily counter can sometimes be reset due various technical issues in the game or the device you play on and if it restarts from Day 1, you cannot restore it I'm afraid.
Luckily, this doesn't affect your game play since it's just a fun feature without any rewards or bonuses.
I had the same happen got so far and the counter reset I play everyday two or three times a day0
Hi @spiritoftheelements @Hunter66 and welcome to our Community!
The Daily counter can sometimes be reset due various technical issues in the game or the device you play on and if it restarts from Day 1, you cannot restore it I'm afraid.
Luckily, this doesn't affect your game play since it's just a fun feature without any rewards or bonuses.
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