New Weekly Word Challenge! Win Gold Bars! (finished)
I’ll go with Poncho and Skirt 🤞🏼0
Here are my two words:BOXERS - 15 pointsBRODEKIN - 16 points1
I notice some people are posting items you put ON clothes (like bows) that are not items of clothing. Are those words allowed? If so, I found a few other nice words.0
@Stuart_Allen bows it actually also part of clothing, it can be bows as hair accessories / pins for girls or bow tie for a men0
Socks and Shoes0
Corset...9 Gloves...120
I found bikinis and shorts!0
Shoes0 -
kimonos and corsets0
@Stuart_Allen @mysticalmysty I will accept accessories as a bow as well since you can find them in your wardrobe and is a part of clothing even though they are more of a decorative purpose.2
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