3 stars on level 142

Posts: 3
Level 1
in Support
I have tried several characters to help me get my 3 stars. Barney was the last one. I have 26147 on only achieved 1 star. I have played over 20 times and still only 1 star. Also, most of my words are over 6 letters each time. Please help
hi @spearchucker
142 is a challenge when going for 3 stars
28214 will get 2 stars ... 29040 for 3 stars
there is an example with notes and screenshots
the first word in the example was worth 21,600 points
the total score is 39138
5 moves remained unplayed
3 star approach ... try to get a 10k word early in the game ... try to finish
with unused moves
open in a new tab or a new window
1 -
Thanks, I had seen this posting earlier, just took the right bunch of letters to finally get over 30k. Had 2 9 letters words and 2 eight. That helped a lot In finally getting my last 3 star game.0
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