Too many *c z x* on Danish version
Welcome to our Community @jgt 😀
I can't tell you for sure, but I'll make sure you're feedback gets passed on to the Studio.
Sometimes you can be unlucky and get loads of x c z etc but not every time you play. A tip is also to use the Eskimouse as the helper. It takes away two rare letters.
Hope this helps
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some levels appear to get more uncommon letters than other levels
@QueenB made a good suggestion ... Eskimouse removes at least one uncommon letter in the English version
the studio will have to provide more info on Eskimouse and uncommon letters in Danish
until they respond ... here is one gametime approach
1) try to create crowns with the uncommon letters
2) try to create 8-way blasters with the blank tile you get when using Eskimouse
3) try to make the blank tile the last letter of the long word so it can be played on the next word
4) try to create a blaster that will hit multiple uncommon letters
5) use the quit button if you cannot blast uncommon letters right away
Gregg has some good ideas:
Gregg’s 10 rules for owning AlphaBetty:
Don’t waste your time playing a board that doesn’t give you a strong opening move.
If you haven’t made significant progress in 3 or 4 moves, quit the game.
Immediately quit any game in which a move stealer activates.
Remember: Whoever said “Winners never quit, quitters never win,” never played AlphaBetty.
Prioritize your targets (vines, stones, letters, bubbles, etc.). Each type of game has higher and lower priority targets.
Create-move-deploy line blasters to support those priorities.
Learn from your losses. If there’s a common thread, (i.e., not getting rid of stones you have to clear, not making the long words in a word list, etc.) consider your options and make changes.
If you struggle with a level, play the mouse that gives you extra moves.
If you struggle with a level and the mouse you’re playing gives only 1 extra move, consider upgrading it to 2 extra moves (go back and get 3 stars in all the levels that mouse covers).
To maximize your score in a game in which you have unneeded moves, consider the total point value of used versus unused moves.
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Thanks for the replies, I look forward to doing a better translation in Danish, but you can see the positive in it that we have even bigger challenges as there are many to the letters we do not use in the Danish language, it would be equivalent for you to make words in English with our letters Æ, Ø, Åtranslated by google0
I understand your point ... and it is a good pointfrom google:"The Danish and Norwegian alphabet, called the Dano-Norwegian alphabet is based upon the Latin alphabet and has consisted of the following 29 letters since 1917 and 1948. The letters c, q, w, x and z are not used in the spelling of indigenous words."to be clear ... c q w x and z are part of the Danish alphabet, correct?we may not see a reply from the studio on the weekend ...0
yes they are in the Danish alphabet but are very very rarely used, unlike the English language.
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that is unfortunate ... you may be at an extreme disadvantageam not fond of multiple qu x and z in the English version0
Some of the courses I have to solve in English as they are completely impossible to solve in Danish
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much 😯0
ouch ... Typo from autocorrect 😯0
Hi @jgt !
I understand your issue, but since the C, W, X and Z are used in some Danish words they do appear in the Danish version as well.
However, the letters are rarely used like you mentioned and just like in all the Scandinavian language game versions they usually should not drop down so often.
At times though they come more frequently, but this is deliberately to make some levels a bit more challenging.
Check these links with all words that are accepted in Danish with the "hard" letters:
Danish words with C
Danish words with W
Danish words with X
Danish words with Z1
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