The at this device focely stopped
Best Answer
Are you saying that when you open the game app, the app just closes down or is it freezing so that you are unable to play?5
Android system0
The game still stopped....act with android0
Are you saying that when you open the game app, the app just closes down or is it freezing so that you are unable to play?5
The game at device no 01554299848 st
I'll forceply stopped0 -
hi @zizizico
if you are lucky the problem will go away on its own
you can always try to reload the app ... but I prefer waiting
waiting may take several days
until it starts working you might try playing on a PC
AB works well with chrome and gameroom on a PC
0 -
Hi @zizizico !
If you get an error message that an app has stopped on your Android device.
This is an issue on the device and/ or Google Play Store and not with the app developer.
In these cases, please check the Android/ Google Play support pages or contact Google Play Support directly for help.
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