How is it possible to beat level 519 in ALpha betty?

Snowflake1 Posts: 3

Level 1

Seems impossible to win level 519 in only 14 moves.


  • abe_coffee
    abe_coffee Posts: 1,976

    level 519 can take several tries
    11 words in 13 moves
    unfortunately ... it appears that your artifacts are not fully empowered(only adding one move)
    it is possible to complete most levels when adding only one move ... but it can become a handicap
    you might consider getting 3 stars on either of the following ranges of levels:
     96-140 ... 276-320 

    some ideas on 519
    one other artifact to consider ... try one that adds crown(s)
    ignore the rocks
    try to blast the entanglers early in the game
    5 crowns will be created ... use them wisely
    try to make a 6-letter word on the first move, if possible

    there is an example of level 519
    open in a new tab or a new window

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