Ive reached level920. This is my favourite game but I don't want to start again. Please add more
Ive reached level 920. I love this game. Please, add more soon.1
idem! levels 9200
Hello @plansdell @Isolda and @Nut, Hearty Welcome to the Alpha Betty Section of our friendly King Community
As of now, Level # 920 is the last level that is available for us! There might be new levels in future but we are not sure!!
Please check this discussion thread created by Alpha Betty section In-charge @Crazy Cat Lad for more information https://community.king.com/en/alphabetty-saga/discussion/259180/whats-past-level-920/p1
You can share your thoughts in this above link OR post your comments here!!
Hope this clarifies! Have a wonderful rest of the day/evening!
1 -
Yo igual! Nivel 920!! Me relaja mucho jugar a este juego. Espero con ganas e ilusión más niveles! Muchas gracias a todos...0
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