Level 835 and I'm done
hi @GingerV
level 835 is quite a challenge
two 10-letter words in 20 moves
if you reconsider you might try the crown-and-blaster approach
early approach: ... be patient
there are 16 exclamators(the red tiles with the exclamation point)
try to create several crowns using exclamators
continue until most exclamators are gone( approximately 10 moves )
mid-game approach:
looks to make 7-letter words
use these mid-game blasters to clear exclamators and unwanted tiles
if a blaster is not found then get another crown
last 5 moves:
try to make 7-letter words using a blaster
play blasters that will hit crowns and other blasters
blasted crowns add to a word's length
most blasted crowns are returned to the board
continue to make 7-letter words(or crowns)
there is an example ... open in a new tab or a new window
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Animo,no te rindas...si todos los niveles fueran muy faciles ,este seria un juego muy aburrido..no crees..? Un saludo y a por ello!!0
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