Sometimes the blank tile doesn't work. What is wrong and what do I do.

Posts: 1
Level 1
in Support
The blank tiles are only working for easy small words. I'm on level 468, I think, and sometimes it leaves out a tile when I replay the game.
Best Answer
blank tiles are still not working as expected .... but you can take advantage of this 'feature'this was reported mar 8 2019 ... open in a new tab or a new window
blank tiles are still not working as expected .... but you can take advantage of this 'feature'this was reported mar 8 2019 ... open in a new tab or a new window
2 -
Hi @sandiekiker and @abe_coffee !
A fix for this issue on Word levels is in progress. I have no further details it will be corrected though, but stay tuned.0
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