Why does it sometimes jump back 2 or 3 levels when they have already been completed?
hi @shadow696 @nBoo @Crazy_Cat_Lad
here is one example:
when sending lives(red heart)
when retrieving lives(white envelope)
the icon for a level is directly behind the red heart or the white envelope
targeting for the red heart and the white envelope has been this way on the HTLM5 versions since level 411
if you are seeing a different problem please post the details
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another example where progress appears to be lost ... the facebook login can fail
how to check the facebook login:
1) on a pc ... the 'Top Friends' list shows other players' scores
an empty list indicates that the facebook login did not happen
2) on a phone or tablet ... your name will be shown below the 'Play' button
when you see 'My account' the facebook login did not happen
when a level is completed the result is stored on the device(pc, phone, tablet)
if the level is completed when the login fails then other devices will not see the win
is it lost forever ... no!
simply wait for the facebook login to work on the device with the winexamples of the facebook login failure:
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