Blank tile is not being recognized

Posts: 6
Level 2
in Support
I reported this twice before, and I can't believe that nobody cares enough to actually fix this bug. Blank tiles are not being recognized by the game. It's frustrating when I need a tile in order to actually spell a word and win a level, more frustrating when you put a crown on a tile that I cannot use. What will it take to get this fixed?

Hi @LBinMIA2016 !
This issue happens only when using a King Crown when completing the last letter in a word on the Guess the Word levels. The King Crown then makes an empty tile instead of a letter that are in the word.
The Game Team is aware of this and working on a fix for it, but I have no further details in which update it will be fixed though.
You can still use the tile by using it as a non-existing letter. For example, you could make the word "SINK" here:
You can link the I with the N by using the empty tile. You are able to link it correctly even though the empty tile doesn't count in the actual word.
I hope this tip helps until it gets fixed!
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