Level 89

Posts: 4
Level 1
in Support
Hi. I’m on level 89 and can’t pass it I just noticed that after move # 11 it automatically goes to move # 7. No wonder I can’t pass it. So what’s up with this? Thanks
Best Answer
Hello again @DebDeb2229,
Just like I have suspected, there were 2 Move Stealers 🤪🤪. Notice below screenshots...
1) I have used few moves to create some “Line Blasters” (one horizontal blaster would be enough in this case) 👇👇
2) My next move — I have destroyed both those stealers with the blaster 👇👇
Hope this is clear for you! Please let me know if you need further assistance
Keep enjoying your game and have a great weekend!5
Hello @DebDeb2229, Hearty Welcome to the Alpha Betty section of our friendly King Community
Looking at the count, I am pretty sure it could be a "Move Stealer" that's causing this issue!! It would be a letter which is placed in Blue circle.... The trick to avoid is to destroy that tile within first 3 or 4 moves itself!!
But, let me go back and make sure about it and get back to you with a screenshot, if possible to make it clear for you
Talk to you soon! Have a great rest of the weekend0 -
Hello again @DebDeb2229,
Just like I have suspected, there were 2 Move Stealers 🤪🤪. Notice below screenshots...
1) I have used few moves to create some “Line Blasters” (one horizontal blaster would be enough in this case) 👇👇
2) My next move — I have destroyed both those stealers with the blaster 👇👇
Hope this is clear for you! Please let me know if you need further assistance
Keep enjoying your game and have a great weekend!5
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