Level 844

Posts: 3
Level 1
in Support
How can I pass level 844
This is not working it’s sending me the main page of this forum0
oops ... sorry ... if you cannot get it to work let's try this844 has a bug ... one of the tiles can disappearyou can prevent it from happening ... or ... you can overcome the bugthe tile is the large U in the word BUG in the lower right corner of the sample imageprevention ... do not blast the U unless the blaster will hit it first from the cheesed area ... or ... you can make a word with that tile from the cheesed areaovercome the glitch ... blast the empty space with a blaster that is cheesed if that blaster will hit the empty space first when playedthere is an example here ... open in a new tab or a new window ... http://www.screenshotabe.com/index.php
1 -
Okay instead of explaining to us all this that we should overcome the bug why can the person who created this game fix it !!! Like us people who play have to be fixing glitches wasting money to support this game yet we have to be the IT person here it’s annoying1
sorry for the inconvenience ... the studio has fixed at least 3 glitches this yearthe studio may be working on the glitch ... maybe @Crazy Cat Lad or @nBoo can report the current status0
@Annette669 @abe_coffee
I spoke to the Game Studio about this and it is not an error or bug. This is part of the level to make it more challenging.
You can still spread the Cheese on the space where no tile drops down by shooting that space with a Line Blaster.
Check here for example. I used the Line Blaster A on the right here:
It then shot the Cheese down there:
Good luck!1 -
I'm stuck here too. Bug lol wt?!0
Hi @Fromunda and welcome to our Community!
The level is super hard, I must agree on that.
Check the Weekly Word Challenge where you can win Gold Bars to your game every week. They can come handy on these tricky levels. You have this week's competition here.0
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