What’s the trick to getting 3 starts on level 89
Hi @Jokake01 !
That level is a tough one.
Using the King Crown Booster and then making only very loooong words usually boosts up the points to 3 stars.0 -
It is a hard one, I have tried for days to get 3 Stars.
0 -
hi @nzhelga
welcome to the community
- it is difficult to get 3 stars on level 89 ... 9 words in 22 moves
- the starting board is shown with 22 moves left ... the final board shows 16490 points ... details below
- approximate range ... 25620 will get 2 stars ... 26260 3 stars
if this is the first time playing level 89 you need several things to go right
- get lucky and have gold tiles on the starting board
- get lucky and and have move stealers that are playable
- start with several crowns ... Mystery Mouse will provide one or two crowns
- the King Crown Booster mentioned above will provide 3 crowns to the starting board
general approach
- try to make a word that meets the objective every move ... this example 8 words were accepted in the first 10 moves
- look to make a word with several gold tiles ... BOTTLE is only missing the E on the starting board
- try to finish with at least 10 unused moves ... a blaster is added and played for each unused move
example with screenshots ... open in a new tab or a new window ---> level 89
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