Booster Wheel

Posts: 11
Level 1
Hello I'm not getting any message to turn the wheel do you have a solution
sometimes the wheel message does not appear as expected between 12 and 2 local timetypically it will show up after a few triesif, however, this persists your account may have a problem@Crazy_Cat_Lad is usually here weekdays and can access your account, if necessary0
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user not found is very rare when I have the wheel
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you may identified another way for the wheel to be missingwhen the facebook login fails strange things can happen ... but they are usually temporary0
yet I am connected
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you can still play when the facebook login failssome indications that the facebook login failed:the retrieve-lives envelope is not activethe 'Top Friends' list is empty(except for your name) is 12:20 here ... the wheel is workingdid it ever work for you today?0
I just checked I'm connected to do
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if the wheel fails to appear tomorrow please tag @Crazy Cat Lad ... your account may need a tweak
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