level 782
hi @ThMarie782 is a challenge regardless of the languageone approach ... flood the board with crowns ... then blast the crowns
crowns that are blasted add to a word's length AND most are returned to the board
the best way to make a longer word is by blasting crowns as opposed to having crowns in the shorter word
mental approach ... forget about making 12-letter words ... make crowns and 7-letter words
when you create a crown try to hit some rocks(blockers)
when many rocks are gone you want crowns and 8-way blasters on the board
a 7-letter word with an 8-way blaster only has to hit 5 crowns to make a 12-letter word
2 -
Thanks a lot abe_coffee! I did it!!!
Do you know if there is somewhere a rule of this game? I have found some by playing, but I could have saved time I knew how works an 8-way blaster...1 -
that was quick ... nicely done ... congrats ...when you have time there is a lot of info about AB hereopen in a new tab or a new window
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