Why does my Alpha Betty game screen look like this??
Posts: 1
Level 1
in Support
This is level 672 (4 Cheese Plates) And, Here is what I see when trying to play-
Hi @wondermom14 and welcome to our adorable Community 😊 I am not playing this game so I am not sure what is happening there. Hence, I will tag our AlphaBetty expert @abe_coffee as I am sure he will be able to help you out. Thank you for your understanding. Have a wonderful day 🤗0
hi @wondermom14
this looks like a temporary problem when loading AB
let's try to isolate the problem with some things you can try
1) close AB ... shut down the device(pc. or mobile device)
... restart the device and try level 672
2) if still bad try another level
3) if still bad try another device or try another browser
4) report back here ... please report which steps failed along with which steps worked ... also please report anything else that was tried
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Hi @wondermom14!
Do you still have issues with the game?
If so, clear the cache and all cookies first and try different browsers and see if it works better.
If you still have issues, then please click on this link and post the details from the top of the page. This info:
Take also a screen shot of the game and issue and post a pic of the whole screen so I can get the whole picture of the game and error.
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