Level 759
hi @ATraff
level 759 is not easy ... but ...
do not think about finding 9-letter words
try to make 7-letter words and 4-letter words
why would anyone do that?a 7-letter word creates an 8-way blastera 4-letter word creates a crownif you can make another 7-letter word with that blaster ... AND
that blaster hits 2 crowns then you get credit for a 9 letter word
blasted crowns add to a word's length
most blasted crowns are then returned to the board
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Thanks for your feedback. I do understand all that you mentioned. Another factor that rather irked me is that the video of this level only requires ONE 9 letter word! Something I've already pointed out to support. Thanks again 😊0
levels change all of the time ... in 2018 this was even tougher with four 9-letter words and 19 movesnow we have three 9-letter words and 21 moves...........................................maybe this example will make it easier to digest blasting crownsopen in a new tab or a new window
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