word round

cheffie Posts: 5

Level 1

this must be the most infuriating round of them all 15 goes in one game to get 1 letter that never showed up. Wouldn't it be a better round if it was like a word search with the letters already in the boxes so at least you have a chance when you think how many 4 letters words there are never mind 6 or 7.Any thoughts?


  • abe_coffee
    abe_coffee Posts: 1,976
    edited December 2019
    hi @cheffie

    am going to try to guess what you are seeing

    1st guess ... you are playing find-the-letters(sometimes called hide-the-letters)
    2nd guess ... it is the version with the question marks(a true mystery word)
    3rd guess ... it took 15 unsuccessful tries to guess one letter
    yes ... find-the-letters can be unwinnable when the letters never show up on the board
    we have some control over the letters that show up on the board
    here is one approach to getting a usable letter

    the approach ... play a crown when the letter you want is unplayable or when the letter is not on the board
    follow the crown ... sometimes it hits a rock(not nice)
    sometimes it gives you the next letter in the mystery word ... the letter will be gold

    if the guesses above are incorrect or you need more details please post a reply

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