Loss of items
Posts: 5
Level 2
in Support
As I mentioned today I had to re install alphabetty as it had disappeared off my tablet. I did this and was back at the correct level. However the 12 crowns, 2 line blasters and 57 hammers were no longer there. Can you help with recovering these please.
Hello @headgardener Hearty Welcome to our friendly King Community
I am sorry to hear about the issue in your game! Unfortunately, that is what happens when we reinstall game App(s) even on same device!
We loose our saved up Boosters and the Lives received from our friends as well, when we delete and reinstall the game either on same device or change our device! The reason is those boosters are stored on device's local memory but not to the game like Gold Bars! But, if you have purchased any of those saved boosters, you can contact the King Support team and request for a reimbursement. If you have not purchased any of them but acquired them in "Daily Bonus", etc., they are not refundable
Hope this made sense and clarifies! Please post back if you have any further questions... tap on "Type your Comment" box located below to write back.
Thank you for posting in the Community! Have a Merry Christmas / Joyous Holiday2 -
Ok fine I understand that. Its unfortunate though considering that Kinng will get paid everytime I click on the add to watch it.1
Hi @headgardener!
Could you let me know your Game ID and I'll see what I can do?
Check here how to find it1
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