I have been faithfully logging in through Facebook every day to play Alpha Betty saga, and I was now up to 45 days in a row, and the counter reset me back to 0. All that frustration for nothing! For one thing, I never missed a day and I wanted to get to a year. And another, what is the use of this stupid thing if it never gives me bonus points for logging in every single day? Please either give me back my 45 days or delete the counter. It is annoying for the most part.
Im getting where you are coming from AB, same for me, yours is a huge target, I only wanted to get to a 100 made it to 65. Maybe it has something to do with the time zones but I mainly play the same time each day0
Hi @Ambug @Annie_Soutter!
I understand that it can be annoying or disappointing when the counter resets. This can happen due many tech issues in either the game or the device you play on.
It is not possible to restore it, but since the feature do not give out any rewards or bonuses you haven't missed any Boosters or other items.0
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