Danish Version.
Love this game, and it is better now than in the start, but still many words in the Danish language is missing, I will gladly make a list, everytime I discover some missing words, so it can be updated, since it is frustrating, to be unable to use an existing, Danish word in the game, because it dont accept it.
Kind regards Dolly Iqbal, Denmark.
Love this game, and it is better now than in the start, but still many words in the Danish language is missing, I will gladly make a list, everytime I discover some missing words, so it can be updated, since it is frustrating, to be unable to use an existing, Danish word in the game, because it dont accept it.
Kind regards Dolly Iqbal, Denmark.
Hi @RagDolly!
If there's any Danish words missing, please post them here and I will send them to the Game Team.
They will then check if they are correct and exists in a Danish dictionary and if the game is valid, it will be added in a future update.0
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