Level 578
hi @Mitsu1010
level 578 is doable ... when the board cooperates
one approach ... use an artifact that provides extra move(s)
look hard for a word that counts as a 6-letter word on the first move
with any luck the blaster from the first word is playable and the 2nd word counts as a 6 letter word while using the first blaster
... consider the quit button if blasters are not created on the first two moves
... good luck ... this level usually takes several tries to win0 -
This level is unnecessarily difficult. If you can’t make a word blaster in the first two moves, the level is impossible to win, and you only get 5 chances per session before you’re locked out. I don’t think you can even buy your way out. This is by far the least enjoyable level. Be prepared for a very, very long and frustrating stay.
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hi @Jim_Coyle
I agree with your comments.
There is one thing we can try ... send me a friend request(Abe Venti) and I will send a few lives to give you more chances to play this level.
if you like screenshots ... there is an example of level 578 using eskimouse(changes an uncommon tile to a blank tile) ... open "examples" below in a new tab or a new window
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