no boosters in the game?
Hello, I hope you can help me by answering some questions: I have been playing AlphaBetty for quite some time and I have reached level 712. However, I still haven't unlocked the second and the third booster before I hit the Play button, I only have 2 crowns. At which level do the second and third booster unlock? Also, sometimes on my mobile phone (not every day, but approximately once or twice a year) I get a free daily booster wheel to spin. However, I have never had that some wheel to spin on my FB. Is the icon hidden somewhere and I just don't see it? Is there any way to get any free booster in the game? Thank you for your reply.
hi @corals221) the second and the third booster remain locked all the way to the end(level 920)2) there is no hidden icon for the daily spin on a PC... the daily spin is only available on mobiles devices between noon and 2 PM local time
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Hi @corals22 @abe_coffee !
The plan was to have 3 different pre-game Boosters when the game was launched, but in the end only one pre-game Booster was introduced.
Therefore two of the three Boosters are locked all the way.
What kind of pre-game would you like to see on the two remaining spots?0 -
Hello, @Crazy Cat Lad and @abe_coffee and thank you both for your reply. I was never aware that the booster wheel is available only for 2 hours in a day, now I'll pay more attention :-)
As for other game boosters, I think there might be helpful some sort of a switch where the players will be able able to switch two adjacent letters on the board to make a word. Also, it might be a good idea to think about a booster which can change a letter from, say, a consonant to a vowel or vice versa, sometimes I end up with all the vowels or consonants on my board and am unable to make a word. Also, if you're thinking about improving the game, maybe it would be acceptable if you programmed the shuffling (that occurs when there are no possible words left) to shuffle it considering 3-letter words, just to clear the board a bit. It has happened to me recently, there was a three-letter word but the board shuffled itself 5 times and then I lost a life.0 -
thank you for mentioning the auto shuffleit appears to ignore codices and exclamators when looking for a playable wordand yes ... a life is lost when the auto shuffle cannot find a word0
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