no boosters in the game?

corals22 Posts: 43

Level 3

Hello, I hope you can help me by answering some questions: I have been playing AlphaBetty for quite some time and I have reached level 712. However, I still haven't unlocked the second and the third booster before I hit the Play button, I only have 2 crowns. At which level do the second and third booster unlock? Also, sometimes on my mobile phone (not every day, but approximately once or twice a year) I get a free daily booster wheel to spin. However, I have never had that some wheel to spin on my FB. Is the icon hidden somewhere and I just don't see it? Is there any way to get any free booster in the game? Thank you for your reply.


  • abe_coffee
    abe_coffee Posts: 1,976
    edited January 2020
    1) the second and the third booster remain locked all the way to the end(level 920)
    2) there is no hidden icon for the daily spin on a PC
    ... the daily spin is only available on mobiles devices between noon and 2 PM local time

  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
    Hi @corals22 @abe_coffee !

    The plan was to have 3 different pre-game Boosters when the game was launched, but in the end only one pre-game Booster was introduced. 

    Therefore two of the three Boosters are locked all the way. 

    What kind of pre-game would you like to see on the two remaining spots? 
  • corals22
    corals22 Posts: 43

    Level 3

    edited January 2020
    Hello, @Crazy Cat Lad and @abe_coffee and thank you both for your reply. I was never aware that the booster wheel is available only for 2 hours in a day, now I'll pay more attention :-)
    As for other game boosters, I think there might be helpful some sort of a switch where the players will be able able to switch two adjacent letters on the board to make a word. Also, it might be a good idea to think about a booster which can change a letter from, say, a consonant to a vowel or vice versa, sometimes I end up with all the vowels or consonants on my board and am unable to make a word. Also, if you're thinking about improving the game, maybe it would be acceptable if you programmed the shuffling (that occurs when there are no possible words left) to shuffle it considering 3-letter words, just to clear the board a bit. It has happened to me recently, there was a three-letter word but the board shuffled itself 5 times and then I lost a life.
  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
    Wow! Great suggestions! 

    I will pass this on to the Game Team @corals22!
  • abe_coffee
    abe_coffee Posts: 1,976
    edited January 2020
    thank you for mentioning the auto shuffle
    it appears to ignore codices and exclamators when looking for a playable word
    and yes ... a life is lost when the auto shuffle cannot find a word

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?