blocked at 410

v2miaou Posts: 4

Level 1

when can we pass the level 410 when we play online on


  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
    Hi @v2miaou is under reconstruction and an update process right now so all 920 levels should be updated there soon. I have no details when the site will be updated fully to HTML5 though. 

    If you want to continue the game right away on mobile, download the app from App Store or Google Play Store and connect the game to your King account and it will start from 411.

    If you prefer to play on Facebook on a computer, then sync your King account to Facebook and the levels will be synced to Facebook:

    -Log into
    -Click on Settings
    -Choose Account
    -Type your password
    -Click on Synchronizing/ Connect to Facebook
    -Click on the two arrows
    -Log into Facebook in the new window
    -Open the game on Facebook and you should be on 411 on your Facebook account

    If you don't want to switch to Facebook or mobile then you simply need to wait patiently for the site update. 

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