What happened to the surprise rewards we had before?

Level 1
Hello @Brenda_Rivel, Hearty Welcome to our friendly King Community
Can you please tell m e which game you are talking about?
As much as I know, there is no "Surprise Reward" in the Alpha Betty Saga game, except for the "Daily Spin Wheel" that too if you play on a mobile device!!
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Talk to you soon! Have a great rest of the day/evening!0 -
Hello , my game is Alphabetty, .and no surprise rewards for some weeks either ...1
Hi @Legué and welcome to our Community!
If you are referring to the Booster Wheel it's only available between 12 and 2 pm in the game.
All other bonuses and extra features are running on test basis which means that they can be removed or not always available on all devicesor for all players.0 -
I've checked between 12 & 2 everyday for 2 weeks and no Daily Spin Wheel. I'm using the app on my cell phone.
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hi @LLC
there are a lot of moving parts with king games and facebook ... sometimes things just stop working
currently the Daily Spin has been working every day on my tablet for quite awhile ... but this does not help you
@Crazy Cat Lad is available on weekdays and can access players' accounts
if the Daily Spin does not fix itself by Monday check back here to see what Crazy Cat Lad can do to help
he might request your game ID
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All these extra features do not always reach all players or all devices. At times these bonuses are only available within certain countries, or to a certain group of players or indeed to players connected via a certain platform. At times technical issues may also prevent you from seeing the challenge.
All I can recommend is to keep your game updated with the latest version of the game and keep checking in to play. Disconnecting Facebook or Kingdom from the game and then reconnecting can sometimes help to get the live event active, if it is available for your region, device, group of players etc.
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I figured out this week that the Booster Wheel doesn't appear on my iphone app but it was there on a Samsung tablet. Not everybody has another option to open the game but if you do, try it.
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