level 860

Posts: 1
Level 1
I can 't get any further than level 860 in alphabetty saga. Alsof I never can use any golden boosters. How can I solve this?
I really do not know. Maybe try and restart the game.0
Something evil is at the controls of level 623. It’s almost impossible to get all the cheeses in spite of the crowns and super tiles. If the goal is to spend money on extra moves/helpers, then well played, Alphabetty. Very close to leaving the game because of the many unreasonably difficult levels (how ‘bout those cheese plates?). Takes all the fun out of playing.
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hi @Jim_Coyle
level 623 is a tough one
the rocks require 20 hits ... in 26 moves
one approach ... create and play 20 crowns(the crowns hit rocks)
look to make blasters that can hit 3 rocks
if you like screenshots there is an example on FB ... open examples(below) in a new tab or a new window
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