level 622
I'm going back to get 3 stars on all of the levels while waiting for hopefully new levels.
Hi @eugene,
Level 622 is a super tricky one, but not impossible.
@abe_coffee could maybe help you with his best tips and tricks? He knows how to master these tricky levels in the game.
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hi @eugene and @Crazy Cat Lad
it appears that level 622 will have to be added to the "really hard to get 3-stars list"
the auto shuffle has been reported, yet it is still 'stealing' lives when it ignores legitimate words
on Feb 2 2018 there were 12 moves ... today there are 9 moves
on Feb 2 2018 the move stealers blew up in 4 & 6 moves ... now it is 2 & 3 moves
it would be nice if the Feb 2 2018 version was restored
it would be nice if the autoshuffle worked better
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Thanks @abe_coffee :) no wonder its so much harder to get 3 stars now. I have won several times - just not with 3 stars
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I really dislike autoshuffle
it autoshuffles even when valid words are there
I have been fast enough to beat autoshuffle, spell the word and then get letters hanging halfway into their positions
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still only get 2 stars
high score about 8600
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hi @deercroft
your score is close for getting 3 stars on 622
approximate range:
9790 will get 2 stars ... 9856 3 stars
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AlphaBetty is the game of the month in June which means a lot a wordalicious fun is coming up. Stay tuned here:
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@eugene @deercroft @Crazy Cat Lad
the following is based on testing from July 16 through August 29(2020)
there is a lot going on with level 622
1) on Feb 2 2018 there were 12 moves ... today there are 9 moves
on Feb 2 2018 the move stealers blew up in 4 & 6 moves ... now it is 2 & 3 moves
2) the autoshuffle aborts more attempts on 622 than any other level
used Miceking to remove 2 exclamators
approach ... try to end the game with 6 or 7 moves left to maximize the number of blasters at the end
ideal starting board ... has 2 or more playable gold tiles(very rare)
started 6267 times ... 1861 were playable(the move stealers could be played in 2 or 3 moves)
was able to score 8k 24 times ... 9k twice ... and 10k once
the worst autoshuffle ever:
on July 28th the best starting board appeared ... QUINTS was played for 2400 points
then the unthinkable happened ... with QUINTS still on the board the autoshuffle went off
why was QUINTS still on the board for the second move? ... QUINTS on the starting board had entanglers
you can see "QUINT" in the image below
there is not much else to say ... "622 is the hardest level for getting 3 stars"(since Feb 2 2018)
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I correctly collected the two plates but was not given credit for it. I did it with one move left. After collecting the second plate, the game didn't end for me so i played the last move (although I didn't need to to win) and then I got a message saying I had run out of moves.
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hi @Charly-4
level 622 has an unusual quirk(maybe every level does this)
it is possible to get both plates with a low score
the game will continue until you get at least one star ... 1000 will get one star
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