Connection error try again later
Crazy Cat Lad
Posts: 14,124
A connection issue seems to happen for some players at the moment.
This message keeps coming up when connecting the game Facebook or your King account.
The issue is under investigation and hopefully the tech team will find a solution shortly.
If you also are experiencing this, please post about it below and let us also know the Game ID in your game to help the tech team to find a solution.
How to find the Game ID number? Check here.
Hallo egal was ich versuche ich kann mich bei alpha Betty nicht registrieren es kommt immer die nachricht verbindungsfehler versuchen sie es später erneut. Ich kann auch nichts im Shop kaufen da kommt kauf war nicht möglich... Und von diesem forum aus bekomme ich auch keine Bestätigungsmail hab schon. Mehrmals auf neu senden geklickt... Ich hoffe mir kann hier jemand helfe den der Support antwortet nicht mal
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please use google translate and post in English ...
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Hello no matter what I try I can not register with alpha Betty it always comes the message connection error try again later. I can not buy anything in the shop because buying was not possible ...
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I hope you can help me so that I can register and save the Game and so I cam bye in shpp and play with friends0
hi @Dracola
@Crazy Cat Lad is very good with account problems
he is usually not here on weekends
please check back tomorrow
good luck1 -
Hallo ich spiele auf einem android die Nummer 96762196520
I'm sorry but we only use English on the King Community, to make sure that everyone understand and can be understood.Please use English here in Community.
Have you tried reinstalling the app on your device?0 -
HelloMy English is pretty bad I hope you still understand what I mean:I have not reinstalled the game because I have no backup and at level 1 I will not start again.I can not use the gold coins I have. I can not buy anything in the shop anymore.0
HelloMy English is pretty bad I hope you still understand what I mean:I have not reinstalled the game because I have no backup and at level 1 I will not start again.I can not use the gold coins I have. I can not buy anything in the shop anymore.0
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