How do you pop a bubble that doesn't have a letter, & isn't on a tile?

Level 1
Best Answer
what level is doing this?
Maybe it is special ...
oops ... it looks like level 19 ... will give it a try
level 19 ... 25 bubbles in 37 moves ... was able to play the empty bubbles by making words that included a crown
just creating a crown does nothing ... play a word that uses a crown
empty bubbles can be tricky
for most levels: try playing a crown when you get down to the last bubble
sometimes(not often) an empty bubble can be blasted
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I've tried to line blast, & also use the crowns but nothing seems to get rid of them. Also, using up letters below them doesn't drop letters into them either. Oh well, guess it's back to Candy Crush! :0(
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what level is doing this?
Maybe it is special ...
oops ... it looks like level 19 ... will give it a try
level 19 ... 25 bubbles in 37 moves ... was able to play the empty bubbles by making words that included a crown
just creating a crown does nothing ... play a word that uses a crown
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I will keep that in mind. I completed the level by popping the bubbles from the top down....thanks so much!
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congrats ... you are welcome!
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