Alpha Betty magnet tiles

Level 1
How do you use these for level 234?
Hello! @travelchick21 👋
Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑
Oh! We are less cautious to see your problem on Community Hub mostly.
Don't worry about this problem! 😉
Firstly, You can click on to select 'Games' here, then you click on "Ahplabetty Saga", after that, you can click on "Support" then click on "Ask A Question". Finally you click on "Category" is "Support" and you write to ask this question here. You wait for Community Team or Superstars Team will answer for you! 😉
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Have a nice day! 😊
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Hi @travelchick21 and welcome to our Community!
The Crown Magnets work like this. Every time you make a King Crown (4-letter word) the Magnet will catch it instead of it going to a random tile.
You can destroy the Magnets by shooting them with a Line Blaster or making a word next to it.
When you destroy the Magnet it will then give you back all King Crowns and spread them out on the game board.
Good luck!
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