Alpha Betty Saga Level 622
hi @Jodge
- at first glance ... 2 plates in 9 moves
- the game will continue until you get at least one star ... 1000 will get one star
- 9790 will get 2 stars ... 9856 3 stars
if this is not the problem please provide more details(can you make any words? ... is the board displayed?)
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Hi @Jodge and welcome to our Community!
What do you mean by it's not available? Aren't you able to enter the level at all?
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Okay! Thanks for responding so quickly. I think the game was just "stuck". Replayed the previous level and now I'm proceeding onward and upward! The levels are getting super difficult, btw. Whew! It's good for my brain, though. I think? Ha. See ya!
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