level 581
hi @catman123
level 581 ... drop 3 chunks in 11 moves
this level can take several tries ... the quit button comes in handy when the codices are unplayable
a lot of patience is required the first few moves
try to make crowns early in the game
look to make vertical blasters whenever possible
try to drop one chunk by mid game ... this will help in opening up the board
keep at it ... eventually it can be beaten
there is an example with screenshots here ... open in a new tab or a new window
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how to pass level 581, is it even possible, I mean my own language finnish, I've already tried it about 400 times
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as a fellow player I feel your pain
you are facing 2 disadvantages
1) based on other comments here in the forum ... playing in English appears to be a bit easier than playing in Finnish
2) Nov 10 2017 level 581 had 14 moves ... Nov 6 2018 the moves dropped to 11
400 tries is extreme ... eventually you will get a magical board ... or king might have mercy and go back to 14 moves
an idea ... if your helpers are not fully empowered you might consider getting 3 stars on levels 1-50(for royal guard) ... or levels 276-320(for mermouse) ... either will give you 2 extra moves(instead of 1 extra move)
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Hi @catman123 @abe_coffee !
Level 581 is a bit tricky, but it's possible to pass even in Finnish.
The Finnish version was tweaked some years ago since the words a longer in the language the targets on the hard levels have been made slightly easier than in other languages so you can pass the levels in Finnish as well.
Level 581 though is the same in all languages with 3 Cheese Chunks in 11 Moves.
My tip here is to choose the Artifact Helpers wisely and not necessarily go for the pre-chosen one.
Since level 581 only has only 11 Moves, I would choose one of the helpers that give you 1 or 2 Extra Moves on the level, like the MerMouse that works on all levels, but on 581 also the Royal Guard gives you more moves:
Many times you forget about these guys, but I have passed many hard levels by switching to another Artifact helper.
Good luck!
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