How to pass level 683 (full fustrating)
hi @pimar
here are some notes for level 683
- drop 6 chunks ... in 10 moves(Apr 18 2018) ... 11 moves(May 13) ... 13 moves(Feb 13 2020)
- you may want to start with an artifact that provides extra move(s)
- there are 25 obstacles ... try to hit 3 or more obstacles each turn early in the game
- 9 entanglers
- 9 codices
- 3 exclamators
- 4 rock hits
- the bottom 2 rows hold 10 of the obstacles ... try to hit those rows with horizontal blasters
- the traps tend to hang out on the bottom 2 rows ... blast them whenever possible
- keep playing even when the board is ugly ... the board may not become magical until the last few moves
- take extra time for each move ... try to maximize the hits on obstacles
- save some crowns for the last few moves to get any isolated tiles
- 7980 will get 2 stars ... 8130 3 stars
if you like screen shots then look here ... open in a new tab or a new window
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