Level too hard

I'm getting fed up of this game now....How am I suppose to play this (see picture) I will need to log out then log back in again and start from the beginning. There is no words that can be played.!!
Many times I have come close to completeing a game and it's suddenly it re- shuffled over & over then restarted a new game. (but not in this case)
Then has the cheek to ask for money to carry on playing....
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as a fellow player I understand how that some levels are very frustratingthe studio does try to improve the gameI would really like to do some testing on this levelwhy is that? ... the autoshuffle appears to be improved ... it may be doing 5 tries instead of 3 triesif the autoshuffle is still unable to find playable words this sounds like a good level for investigation
this looks like level 368 ... the upper letters must be be playable to have any chance on this level
be prepared to use the quit button often
consider using an artifact that removes trap(s) if you continually get boards where the traps prevent a good start
there are notes and screenshots for level 368 here ... open in a new tab or a new window
http://www.screenshotabe.com/index.php0 -
level 368 ... pop 72 bubbles in 32 moveskeep hitting quit until you get a board you likepreliminary testing with 24 tries(a small sample):... 15 quits ... 8 wins ... one loss because the autoshuffle missed a word
example: CHI is not found by the autoshuffle
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I couldn't agree more with frustration Bella Charlie is experiencing with this game... I posted something a few weeks ago and the response was an overwhelmingly ambiguous and useless post... it really makes you wonder if these "board moderators" and "experts" are working for the company because they have no clue what's really going on in the game....
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Hi @Oystercopy!
The Game Experts like @abe_coffee here in AlphaBetty and the Superstars do not work for King. They are avid players that are active here in Community and help other players only because they want to and because they love the games here.
We members that are Community Managers though, we work for King and the members that have the title "Kingster". The Kingsters are other King employees and we Community Managers are people who work with the Community site.
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thank you for the post @Oystercopy
the autoshuffle has a bug ... it does not always find playable words
@Crazy Cat Lad @Xarly @nBoo ... is the studio aware that the autoshuffle has a bug?
here is a video: ... open in a new tab or a new window
the autoshuffle starts at 1:02 and fails to find CHI at 1:05
here is a screenshot
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Thank you for that clarification crazy cat lady... you could see why I might have assumed that considering that the response(s) to me were unhelpful and no one is taking responsibility for the glitches in the game... Instead I'm told that some players can finish the game without ever spending any money or buying vowels which is completely untrue... which makes thinking people wonder...?
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I've done all the online games as far as they go (410) and am forced to play on Facebook if I want to continue. The games are noticeably easier on Facebook. To cater to kids, maybe? I've never used a bonus and I sure as heck wouldn't PAY for one! I'm especially disappointed I can't play with a "community" to measure against - none of my Facebook friends are interested. Advice for the hard levels: Take your time. Reshuffle. Pay attention to which will help more - crowns or bonuses. Keep trying the level because it will eventually click.
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Well I don't have a Facebook account (purposely) but the game shouldn't be any different...but when you have people on here who call themselves "moderators", who claim there's nothing wrong with the game, and insist its just YOU, well, that's just insulting..
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hi @Oystercopy @Crazy Cat Lad @Xarly @nBoo
enough with the negative vibes ... we get it ... the game is tough ... some players do not pay
would you like to help make things better for other players?
chime in on improving the autoshuffle
this will not solve all of your problems ... but it is a start
the autoshuffle has a bug
please post that you would like it improved
or ... keep complaining and maybe they will fix every bug
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