Hi @adlib and welcome to the Community!
Level 757 is impressive! In what language are you playing?
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English. I live in the Pacific Northwest in America. As to the game itself I do have some questions. Clearly there are adjuncts that effects a persons score. Those who deploy the manipulation features will rally a faster game and most likely obtain higher scores. I rarely use those ......... are my scores compared with players who play like I do? Is there a roster that shows the best performance for each level among all the players? Essentially it would be interesting to learn where your ‘play’ performance ‘ranks’ in the entire community not the just those assigned to your player ‘group’.
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hi @adlib
congrats on getting to level 757
I'm not sure if King can show all scores
the old chat room(obsolete) had several players that shared scores
most of the players are from the US and Canada
Vincent posts most of the top scores and is in British Columbia
open in a new tab or a new window ... the scores are a sampling from levels 720-920
note the score for level 570 ... over 2 million
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Thnx for the link. Y’know scores are minor reflections of any game...... nothing terribly meaningful. But the format here sticks you with same small clutch of ‘comparable’ players which delivers such a teensy sampling of the game dynamics. It leaves one wondering where each game could flex to - what is the real and complete performance envelope? Dunno how Victor attains his scores but more power to him 😁👍🥳.
I am a pretty casual player. One level per day.
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