Play with friends
hi @Jenabena1
this happens often and can be caused by Facebook, King, Login, your device(s)
here are some options:
1) wait for it to fix itself(it may take a few days)
2) report everything you tried and let @Crazy Cat Lad look at your account(you may need to provide your game ID)
here is short list of things to try(sorry if you tried them all - be sure to tell @Crazy Cat Lad )
try another browser(chrome or firefox the 'best' for testing)
try another device(pc tablet phone)
try another internet connection(at Starbucks or somewhere with free wifi)
make sure your password is correct(the second most common cause)
try ABS on gameroom(my favorite test)
please keep us posted
- note @Crazy Cat Lad is here during weekdays from Europe
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Hi @Jenabena1 !
Are you playing Facebook or King connected?
Have you tried disconnecting the account and reconnect?
Are the friends only gone from your map or are they missing also from the friends list when you ask for lives?
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