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I know nothing
hi @MsJaxon
am not sure about lives
here is a good place to start for tips ... open in a new tab or a new window
when you get to the 300s this might help
Gregg’s 10 rules for owning AlphaBetty:
- Don’t waste your time playing a board that doesn’t give you a strong opening move.
- If you haven’t made significant progress in 3 or 4 moves, quit the game.
- Immediately quit any game in which a move stealer activates.
- Remember: Whoever said “Winners never quit, quitters never win,” never played AlphaBetty.
- Prioritize your targets (vines, stones, letters, bubbles, etc.). Each type of game has higher and lower priority targets.
- Create-move-deploy line blasters to support those priorities.
- Learn from your losses. If there’s a common thread, (i.e., not getting rid of stones you have to clear, not making the long words in a word list, etc.) consider your options and make changes.
- If you struggle with a level, play the mouse that gives you extra moves.
- If you struggle with a level and the mouse you’re playing gives only 1 extra move, consider upgrading it to 2 extra moves (go back and get 3 stars in all the levels that mouse covers).
- To maximize your score in a game in which you have unneeded moves, consider the total point value of used versus unused moves.
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