Level 174
hi @Maie
Herb says "You play the game with blasters ; you BEAT the game with CROWNS!"
how does that help???
1) when a word is made using crowns ... each crown adds one letter to a word's length
if you think that is cool ...
2) blasted crowns add to a word's length and most blasted crowns are returned to the board
general approach ... create crowns by making 4 letter words ... then blast the crowns whenever possible
one approach ... try to make 6 letter words that blast or include 2 crowns
2 -
廾ⅰ @Maie, welcome to the Community!
🔸 Level 174 is a Word Frenzy Level. ↔ ↔ ↔ Create 11 words in 25 moves or less (you have 14 turns without having to make a required word).
- Words to create ---> 8 x 6-letter words / 2 x 7-letter words / 1 x 8-letter word
- The 8 letter word & the lower Move Stealers are the most difficulty elements of this Level.
- Almost every type of Blocker is present. This adds some difficulty to the Level.
🔸Tips & Strategy
- Use Mystery Mouse.
- Destroy the Move Stealers & as many of the Entanglers & Mouse Traps as possible by making Line Blasters (or by making 4 letter words when you can't create Line Blasters).
- As you deal with the Move Stealers on the top part of the Board, start clearing the middle of the Board so as to make room for words & Line Blasters.
- Save the Line Blasters you create & use them to blast the Move Stealers at the bottom of the Board (a diagonal Line Blaster in the middle section of the Board can clear one or both Move Stealers).
- Be willing to make long words early in the Level -even if they don't count towards the Level's objective- so as to create Line Blasters that will help you clear Blockers.
- 4-letter words will create Crowns which will augment your word counts to make the 8 & the two 7-letter words.
- Try to make 6-letter words while saving your Crowns until you have an opportunity to make the 8-letter word and/or the 7-letter words.
- If you have extra Moves when you complete the Level, the equivalent number of random Tiles will become Line Blasters that will be automatically activated.
🔸 The video below shows how to complete Level 174 of ABS 🔸
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