What are tips for Level 204?
Best Answer
hi @WordPlay
the gold tiles can be on the board at the start of the game
when a crown is played during the game you can follow the path of the crown to the next unsolved letter in the mystery word
it is not necessary to play the gold tile if a non-gold tile with the same letter is available
note: each gold tile will double the points for a turn
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hints from Eugene:
when the tiles for the mystery word are not on the board ... keep playing crowns until you get a playable tile
when you play a crown ... follow the path of the crown to a gold tile ... then play that gold tile
the gold tile will be the next unsolved letter in the mystery word
warning ... not every crown produces a gold tile
Ac suggests using an artifact that adds crown(s) for mystery levels ... allows for a faster start on the first word
Shadoe suggests ... On mystery words...instead of trying to find the particular letters ...
it is best to just make the longest words possible firstly. There is a better chance of finding letters.
hi @WordPlay
the gold tiles can be on the board at the start of the game
when a crown is played during the game you can follow the path of the crown to the next unsolved letter in the mystery word
it is not necessary to play the gold tile if a non-gold tile with the same letter is available
note: each gold tile will double the points for a turn
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hints from Eugene:
when the tiles for the mystery word are not on the board ... keep playing crowns until you get a playable tile
when you play a crown ... follow the path of the crown to a gold tile ... then play that gold tile
the gold tile will be the next unsolved letter in the mystery word
warning ... not every crown produces a gold tile
Ac suggests using an artifact that adds crown(s) for mystery levels ... allows for a faster start on the first word
Shadoe suggests ... On mystery words...instead of trying to find the particular letters ...
it is best to just make the longest words possible firstly. There is a better chance of finding letters.
2 -
Yay! I was able to complete Level 204 based on your tips. Thank you all!
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