Level 89 impossible been on for 4 years now could you give me a free pass to level 90

253impossible Posts: 5

Level 2

Always get awful letters q x z had 7 q's once and 6 z's once.


  • abe_coffee
    abe_coffee Posts: 1,976

    level 89 ... 9 words in 22 moves

    when you start with bad letters quit and start over ... a good rule for any level

    crowns are important when collecting the required words

    consider starting with mystery mouse to add one or two crowns at the start

    crowns that are part of a word add to the word's length 

    ... these crowns are consumed

    crowns that are blasted add to a word's length AND most blasted crowns are returned to the board in a new position

    this is a good level to master the technique of blasting crowns ...

    this technique comes in handy on most collect-the-required-words levels

    one popular move ... make a 4 letter word that includes a crown 

    ... the crown makes the word count as a 5-letter word

    dont' forget about the move stealers(blue bubbles) 

    ... they blow up in 8 moves 

    ... each move stealer that blows up will take away 2 moves

    you are just starting the journey ... this is a good level to polish your skills

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