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No lives today
Level 1
So I would have thought my lives would have refreshed overnite but I have none and the countdown clock is showing more lives in 0.00..whats happening is this a bug or something??
hi @blondie1405
lives disappear sometimes
clearing the cache will remove lives ... oops gone forever
reinstalling the app will remove lives ... oops gone forever
facebook being goofy will remove lives(usually is temporary)
am not sure about "more lives in 0.00" ... this may be a second issue
the prime suspect is facebook
what can we do?
you already waited overnight ... not a good sign
@Crazy Cat Lad is usually here most weekdays and may be here in a few hours(from Spain)
he can access your account, if necessary
2 options
... 1) wait for the problem to go away
... 2) wait for @Crazy Cat Lad to provide further guidance
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it appears that @Crazy Cat Lad was not available today ... he is here most weekdays
you may have found a glitch when retrieving lives @Xarly @nBoo
this message shows up after lives are retrieved ... if you look closely in the background there are 5 lives as expected
this message should not be showing up after 5 lives have been successfully retrieved
this is harmless ... UNLESS ... the player is tricked into thinking "Out of lives" is actually true and then exits the game, thus
losing the 5 lives that were retrieved(I hope that player did not pay for the lives)
note ... this fails on a tablet ... but is okay with gameroom
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Hi @blondie1405 and welcome to our Community!
Could you post a screen shot of the timer and issue so I can take a look at this?
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hi @blondie1405
maybe these images will help
do these look like what you are seeing?
if, not ... please post screenshots or a very detailed description
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