Passing a level
hi @bweingard
this is not an easy level
669 ... four 10-letter words are required
there are a few ways to approach levels that require longer words
1) try to make an actual 10-letter word(4 times) ... not an easy task
2) try to make long words that contain enough crowns to count as 10-letter words
... unfortunately you most often will run out of crowns
3) flood the board with crowns along with some 8-way blasters
... then make long words with a blaster that hits enough crowns to make the word count as a 10-letter word
how does that work? ... blasted crowns add to a word's length
... most of the blasted crowns are returned to the board in a new position
here is an example .... open in a new window or a new tab
... a 6-letter word with a blaster that hits 5 crowns(6+5 = 11)
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ABS Level 669 🔶 Strategy, Video & Tips
1️⃣ Strategy ⬇️
Four 10-letter words are required so this is quite a difficult Level.
- Create Crowns (as many as possible) & Line Blasters.
- Blast the Crowns with the Line Blasters to make longer words (each blasted Crowns add 1 to a word's length).
- Aim for 7-letter words, specially on your first turn.
- Once blasted, most Crowns are returned to the Board.
- Avoid using Crowns as part of a 10-letter word until you have one word left to make (Crowns used as part of a 10-letter word are consumed & not returned to the Board).
🔺 Other Players' comments & suggestions regarding ABS Level 669 HERE. 🔺
2️⃣ Videos ⬇️
3️⃣ Tips ⬇️
💡 Extra suggestion ---> Wait for that one lucky Board!
🚩 Version in English is much more difficult than the one in French.
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