Bonus Wheel on Alpha Betty
Yeah, the Wheel has gone missing and I have reported it to the tech team to check this up.
They are looking into this, but I have no date about when it will be fixed.
Fingers crossed that they will find a solution shortly.
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good news ... the daily spin may be working on the west coast of the US
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Excellent news, thanks!
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Hello Every one 🤗 Hearty Welcome to all the New Comers to this wonderful King Community 😃
Great news! I live in USA and the Booster Wheel is back for me from today (Friday)!
So, hope it will be (or it already has) back for you all too 🤞 🤞
@abe_coffee and @Crazy Cat Lad 😍 🤩
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Yes, they found the issue and the Wheel should be back for all players now.
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Thank you for letting us know!
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