what happened to the daily spin?
hi @mianie84
there are some other posts with the same topic ... maybe an answer will show up soon
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Hi @mianie84 & @abe_coffee!
I've been playing ABS for a few weeks now but I have never seen the Daily Spin/Booster Wheel in my Game. 🤔 I see that @Crazy Cat Lad's latest comment on this matter indicates that Players can spin the wheel once a day between 12pm & 2pm but I don't seem to have the wheel at all.
Any advice/tips on this?
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hi @frenioz00
the daily spin is available on mobile devices for ABS
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Thanks @abe_coffee!
I'm not great with technology so please help me out here ---> Does that mean that I won't get it on my Amazon Fire tablet & only get it if a play on a phone?
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I get it on my Amazon Fire tablet ... the daily spin has been very reliable for awhile
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Hmmm, I wonder why I don't have it then... 🤔 I have my Game updated to its latest version but yet have never seen the wheel. Maybe is a temporary blip/glitch. I guess I'll wait to see if it changes.
Thanks for the help anyways, @abe_coffee!
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the icon will be in the upper right corner of the screen
you may have to restart the game between 12 & 2 local time(sometimes it appears if the game was started before 12 ... but not always)
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